Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Rabid Reporting

So when I signed up to be a reporter...I knew risk-taking would be involved. I've seen plenty of YouTube videos and heard stories of reporter's getting into different types of trouble.

And I guess you could say I got into some trouble of my own yesterday. Here, I am out on assignment, trying to put together a story about a bobcat found in an Abilene neighborhood that had rabies. Animal Services picked up the wild cat after resident's found it in their very own backyard...after testing it, sure enough the bobcat had rabies.

So a rabid bobcat in Abilene...clearly instills some fear in pet owner's and resident's. Many dogs are kept outside on a leash through the day and even night, quite possibly being exposed to the rabid bobcat just there.

So, here I am in this neighborhood, where the bobcat just was...knocking door to door...hoping to talk to some resident's about how they feel knowing about a bobcat with rabies in their backyard. The first house that I go to...I have to go through a gate to get to their front door. I think as a natural reaction, I look for a Beware of Dog sign...didn't see one. So, as I am opening the gate to the front yard of this person's house, I notice that in the front door there is an opening (homemade doggy door) but didn't really understand how it would open through the material of the door. So, I knock on the door and not even a few moments later, two dogs about the size of me come charging out and barking very loudly.

The next few moments were kind of a blur to me...The two dogs came at me. I backed away and guarded my face. And a few minutes into the "escape"...I felt something sharp in the back of my thigh. I don't think it really hurt as much as I was scared out of my mind. It felt like it took the owner forever to come out and get a hold of the dogs. He called the dogs off and I felt the dog's tooth ease away from my leg. My heart was going a mile a minute.

But being the dedicated reporter I am, I decided to stay in the front yard behind the fence to talk to the owner about my story. Sure enough, he wasn't into being on TV so I walked (racing heart beat and all) away to the next door. On my walk, my leg started to hurt a little bit...so I checked and sure enough such an open pinhole-sized marking in the back of my thigh.

Now don't get me wrong, anyone that knows me knows that I am not a hypochondriac...but when I saw I had an open cut and that I was doing a story on rabies, I wasn't messing around...nonetheless didn't quite feel like taking any chances.

So, I called Animal Services to ask what to do...and they routinely have to take any dog that bites a human into custody to be quarantined and tested for rabies. I felt awful because I didn't tell the owner that his dog bit me because truthfully, I didn't know until I had already left his home. I was too afraid to knock back on his door because I knew the dogs were not leashed. So, I felt like I was being deceptive by carrying on a conversation with the dog owner, after having his dog's tooth in the back of my leg (basically playing it off as if nothing had happened) then leaving and shortly after, having Animal Services come to pick his dog up and take him away.

I had to go back to the neighborhood after being checked out by Animal Services...to finish out the story. I saw the Animal Services truck there and the owner did not look happy at all.

So I was a big newsroom joke, (KRBC's Rabid Reporter) out on a story about rabies and then myself having a rabies scare.

The worst part of the whole experience was just the racing heart and anticipating the worst from the two dogs that were likely just protecting their owner and their home...However, it all brings me to the importance of pet owner's having a: Beware of Dog sign. I think that should be a law. Had I seen a sign like that...it definitely would have made me think twice about entering the yard. The scenario might not have been any different at all but I think it's the owner's duty to be responsible for their pets.

In the end, I don't think I'll be going through any more fences just to get to a front door. And I've got to say despite having a traumatizing set-back in the day, I still took it like a champ...putting together my story for the 6 o'clock news. Rabies or not...that shows dedication in my book!


  1. OMG! Hang in there

  2. POOR DOGS!! In their yard until someone opened the gate. I knew even as a little kid not to open gates DUH. Gates usually mean that they are trying to keep something in or something out. Now the dogs are in tiny cages away from their owners with very little human interaction.

  3. The owners were responsible. It is called a FENCE! If it were my house I would need a Beware of the Owner sign. This is Texas all you have to do in Texas is feel threatened. Maybe when the dogs were in the house asleep and heard the knock on the door they felt threatened.

  4. Isn't that what you would call trespassing.Going through a closed gate? What were you thinking?

  5. Hope the home owner has a good lawyer. In a FENCED in yard. I don't think the home owner should have to pay any medical bills. Private property IN A FENCED IN YARD!!! No one made her open the gate! In Texas you would be in less trouble if you had shot the person.

  6. Who would go through a closed gate not knowing was in the fence? I see a law suit. Hope the dogs are OK and the owner has a lawyer.

  7. Nobody said Brittany was going to sue. Why is everyone talking about a lawyer?

  8. I wasn't talking about the really bright reporter. I was talking about the owner suing over the bills of the dog. The quarantined dogs have bills. If I were the dogs owners I wouldn't pay the quarantine bills. The dogs were not out running loose. I'm thinking trespassing on private property. I feel for the dogs more than I feel for the STUPID reporter. What part of CLOSED GATE did she not understand.

  9. Okay....much like everyone else I would think a closed fence in the front yard AND a doggy door means there could be dogs there, keep yo butt out. Just me. Also, a pin sized hole yet the dogs were as big as you? I'm sure you were just reacting to the shock of the situation but if the dog was as big as you say it was you would've lost a boob, a leg, or both. Twenty bucks says it was a dachsund from the weiner races this weekend.

    She also seems to be pretty proud of what a "champ" of a reporter she is. A champ oblivious to telltale signs. Yeah the owner should somehow train the dogs to not be so reactionary, but that's what they were there to do.I realize being a reporter enstills a number of hazardous situations. Okay...she didn't have to go to the specific house she went to. The neat thing about neighborhoods is that there are other houses to go to. This person isn't home? Hmmm...well I can move on to the next house and not be a chew toy for Milo and Otis. Plus the dogs didn't chase her down the street. She was on their friggin' property.

    Plus...felt the tooth remove from her leg, then felt bad talking to the guy and not mentioning anything about the bite then continues to say she noticed the bite after she walked off.

    Use this as a reference tool for next time. Sometimes it's best to move on otherwise two wild rabid wildabeasts are going to leave teeth in your leg and perhaps butt.

  10. Very well put David said! If she wants to be a "champ" maybe she should go to Iraq and report from there. My toy poodle would leave a bigger bit hole than these dogs that were bigger than she was. I'm thinking if she was in the community I live in she probably would have been met at the door by a gun wheeling granny. Oh yea and a bigger than she is toy poodle. Then again I don't have a CLOSED of yard.

  11. Thank you everyone for giving your input to my recent experience.
    Some things that might not have been clear in the blog post, I am not mad at the dog or the owner. In fact, I would have just gone on my way with the story if it weren't on rabies. I thought, better safe than sorry.
    As I stated earlier, I do feel bad for the owner that his dog is having to be quarantined. However, having been a pet owner myself...I know that it comes with the territory. Owner's need to take responsibility for their pets.
    This dog was likely not a bad animal at all. I understand that it was just protecting it's territory and saw me as a threat.
    However, I was no threat. I merely went to a home to ask the resident if they'd be interested in contributing to my story. As for the trespassing comments. I was not trespassing. There was no sign that read, No Trespassing, along with no Beware of Dog Sign, and the owner never even told me to get off his property.
    As for knocking on other doors, of course I did that. I just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time with this house. Also, this particular Abilene neighborhood has many homes with a fence around it (just to get to the front door). I was harmlessly knocking on someone's door and happened to frighten his dogs.
    I do feel bad that the dog is away from his owner for 10 days but he will be returned.
    It's amusing that some are taking bets on the breed of the dog. There's nothing advantageous to me to lie about it, but I appreciate the comments.
    I never meant to offend anyone about my "dog experience". It was just something that happened in the course of my day. But thank you for all of your comments.

  12. You guys who are upset at this story... chill ! It's a blog... not a serious journalism piece. I'm sure Brittany feels bad about the experience and probably learned a few things... but she is just sharing her thoughts with us. Any talk of her being a champ was meant to be funny.

  13. If I were a homeowner in a neighborhood where there had been a rabid bobcat I would gladly have my pet quarantined and tested for rabies, especially if they had bitten someone.

  14. These people are strange and they write some very bold things when they are in the safety of their homes. Glad you are ok Brittany! Now go to Iraq to report hahahaha! Wow! These people!

  15. David's last comment was removed due to the inappropriate wording in his "hugs and kisses" line. We can switch the blog to a mode where all comments have to be approved, but we'd rather not. Please be respectful of each other and the blogger.

  16. What the majority of you people fail to realize is that Brittany was doing her job. Beside that fact, I agree with Brittany that "Beware of Dog" signs should be mandatory in the instance of owning potentially dangerous canines.

  17. OMG a fenced in yard usually means KEEP OUT or trying to keep something in.

  18. Wonder if I could contribute to the vet bill were the poor dogs are being kept. Even children know not to open gates and go inside other peoples property. FENCE = stay out or trying to keep something in. POOR DOGS

  19. IF the dogs were dangerous dogs and as big as German Shepherd then why did you have such a SMALL about of injuries?????? My small chihuahua would have done more damage. By law you don't have to have a sign. By law I a property owner if felled threatened against themselves or property can LEGALLY shot someone. Just maybe you will think about this the next fence you cross. I have loss all repect for the news station letting you carry on like you were the VICTIM. When I say the victims are the dogs. You got to go home and be with your family and friends . The dogs didn't. You got to be comfortable in a nice place. The dogs are in a tiny CAGE. You have things that are familiar to you . The dogs are in a strange place.My dog is like family to me and I would fight to keep him out of trouble with everything I have.

  20. I bet if you surveyed people that all the smart ones would say FENCE = stay out. I bet if you surveyed people that all the smart ones would say DOGGY DOG = dog. How vicious were the bigger than you dogs. A small injury. OMG ya they sound vicious.

  21. I'm with the other person . I would also donate money for the vet bill.

  22. If you saw the doggy door before you knocked then it is you own dar fault you got bit. I feel sorry for someone that doesn't know better. On ya and the dogs that bit you.

  23. The owner didn't look happy. DUH I would have been irate. The dogs were just protecting what was theirs. Like you said. Next time the propery owner may not be home. MIGHT not be a bad idea to stay out of fences. YA THINK.

  24. I'm thinking that a joke for this occasion is a little off. It is really not funny. If you laughed at the rabies jokes at the news station then you were not really injured bad. If you are not injured bad the dogs are the REAL victim in this case. If it was funny then why make such a big deal about it.Saw you on the news OMG how pathitic was that news story.

  25. Just got one word for ya STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. Hey everyone, just for the record...I never felt victimized...nor do I now. I'm an animal lover myself and I do feel bad that the dog was temporarily taken away but again, he or she will be returned safe and sound.
    Also, I never said I was attacked or badly hurt and I do understand that the dog was protecting it's territory and as a protective measure, it's teeth met my thigh...very small marking...especially for the size of the dog as well.
    As for it being a joke...that might not have been the best way to phrase it. My coworker's merely found it ironic that I'd have such an encounter with a dog, while out doing a story about concerned pet owner's with the recent confirmed rabies case in their neighborhood.
    Thanks for all of the advice about staying out of fenced-in homes, I plan to do just that (like I said in the original post.

  27. I can't believe this a reporter to do something this STUPID. Is it some kind of STUPID publicity stunt?

  28. In all my years of watching the news I always admired reporters til now. It like someone stepping out in front of a bullet at a standoff. No commmon sense. Guess repoters don't have to be smart or even a little bright. You go Brittany

  29. Oh Brittany you have changed my over all opinion of reporters. I always thought reporters had to have some smarts. Well maybe not. I have seen a lot of reporters come and go but OMG none this quite like this. I don't mean this in a good way.

  30. My neighbor knows the dogs owner and the dogs have never done this before. Of course most people stay out of a fence.Way to go Brittany. Hope you never come to my neighborhood. Last night you were the main topic of our get together. Things didn't sound good. Most of them I can comment on. We even had one lady say that she was changing news stations.(and not even to your sister station)

  31. OMG I'm wondering if ole Downing would have went inside the fence. Nah he is a smart man.

  32. In our weekly gathering in our neighborhood you Brittany were the main conversation. Someone in our group knows the dogs and they are harmless. Many of us were wondering if the word fence means ANYTHING at all. Most of our conversation I can't post. We just can't believe that a reporter in Texas would cross a fence. Texas were you can get shoot for being stupid. Even my 6yr old said he wouldn't have opened the gate. We have a fence hope you never come in my yard. Our dogs are very small and friendly but the owner of the property is a different story.

  33. If a dog is harmless then why would it bite somebody? I have been around harmless dogs and they usually come up to me and want to be played with even if I am in there front yard. I have been reading some of these negative comments and they seem to be coming from some classless people with no self-esteem who have neighborhood group meetings to talk negative about people to make themselves feel better. Brittany was just doing her job which she is excellent at. I am wondering if some of these people writing these comments even have a job? If a dog bites someone who is harmless then that reflects on the owner and poor training. I bet this dog has shown signs of being aggressive before. It was only a matter of time before this dog bit someone and at least it was not young kid. As far as people saying that Brittany was criminally tresspassing you might want to go read a law book because you were totally wrong. Your wrong version of criminal tresspass means every postal worker, meter reader, and numerous other professions criminally trespass everyday. Think about it. All it takes is a scatch from a rabid animal to get rabies. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Animal Control made the decision to take the dog not Brittany. If the dog is really harmless then I am sure the owners will get it back. This has been blown way out of proportion for no good reason. Brittany keep up the good work and I look forward to watching you everyday.

  34. Yes I have a job. I'm a nurse. RN at ARMC. I bet that the dog was not "as big as me". I have treated dog bits before and if the dog was that big the damage would have been much greater than a pin hole. Maybe you should call the Enquirer and tell them how big the dog was. Maybe they would be more believable than your story. REALLY could someone be more STUPID.Sounds just like something in the Enquirer.

  35. The gatherings that we have once a week are families getting together BBQing and playing games. Yes we talk about local topics. Brittany is the one that brought it up on the noon news. It's like she wants to get attention. Most people would have called it in and forgot about it. But no she has to bring it up on the news and blog about it.It does make you wonder if this is to boost her ratings because noone could be that dumb. Saw a doogy door but knocked anyway. Must have been a HUGE doggy door at that if the dogs were bigger than her.

  36. Maybe Brittany needs to put a sign in her yard. A Bill Engvall sign. A stupid sign.

  37. Could this really happen to an educated adult. REALLY? How big were the dogs? REALLY? As big as she was and only have a pin hole size injury. REALLY!!! Maybe this is a ratings booster.

  38. Too bad the dogs were not pit bulls. It would have made the story better. Oh ya and the size of a horse.

  39. No real news to report on that day?

  40. I would like to hear the conversation at the coffee shop. Would like to hear someone tell the farmers and ranchers that crossing a fence is not trespassing.

  41. I have lost a bet. I am employed at a local attorney's office. A co-worker tried to tell me that she had heard about this incident. She was eating out last night and people at the restaurant were talking about it. I told her this could not happen in West Texas. Maybe in a large city or way back in the sticks.Boy was I wrong. Oh well at least I know there are people out there without common sense.

  42. Brittany did nothing illegal or morally wrong. The pet owner did nothing illegal or morally wrong. It was just unfortunate timing for both Brittany and the dogs. However, the real injustice is within our education system. Had a proper one been in place when the majority of you were in school there wouldn't be such bad grammar and spelling. Here's a tip, write your comments in Microsoft Word, use spell check, then post on blog!

    Halve Uh Gurate Dai

  43. I thought that this was about a stupid reporter not a spelling test. Nothing illegal or morally wrong happened just stupid. I would like to see how many people would knock on the door after seeing a doggy door that a "dog bigger that I was" would fit through. Can we take a poll and publish the results.

  44. Have some questions. How do you get a "pinhole-sized mark" when the dogs are "the size of me"? Are you a midget or did you LIE about the size of the dogs? Sounds like if they were aggressive and as big as you said they were you would have got more injuries! Must have been a pretty good size doggy door that you saw BEFORE you knocked.

  45. The news station really lets you report things like this. Makes them look good????? about what kind of employees they have.I wouldn't want people to know how GOOFY I was. What size dogs were they?

  46. Yes I do I think this is a publicity stunt to boost her ratings. No one can be this stupid.

  47. Heard about this at work and said no way this could happen. I just thought I would check it out. I don't think I would have done this the same way. I know I would not have told about it on the news. I guess some people just don't know better.


    LEAVE HER ALONE! You are lucky she even performed for you B@$T@RDS!

    Perez Hilton talked about professionalism and said if Britney was a professional she would’ve pulled it off no matter what.

    Speaking of professionalism, when is it professional to publicly bash someone who is going through a hard time.

    Leave Britney Alone Please…. !
    Leave Britney alone!…right now!….I mean it.!

    Anyone that has a problem with her you deal with me, because she is not well right now.


    Chris Crocker

  49. If she wanted to be left alone she sure is bringing it up a lot ( bloging and talking about it on the news). If she wanted the attention shes got it. If she is not well maybe she needs to stay at home in bed. Oh thats right
    shes a "champ".

  50. Wouldn't you know it I always am the last to know something. I was at the beauty shop this morning and heard about this. I think the time on this blog site is wrong. All three ladies that were in on the conversation thought the same thing. Was not real bright to go behind the fence. Fences usually mean they are trying to keep something in or out. In this case it meant BOTH. It really wasn't very smart to knock on the door after seeing the HUGE doggy door.

  51. So when do you start the rabies shots? I have had them(bit by a squirrel at a youndg age) and they are lots of fun "champ"

  52. Thought she said she was a "champ". Maybe she isn't as big of a champ as she bragged about.

  53. I'm visiting here in Cisco for the summer visiting my grandparents. This morning at the first sign of light my grandfather had to go drink coffee at the local coffee shop and drag me with him. The old men at the table had several topics and this story was one of them. I'm from a small town down south called Melvin. I don't think that people in my home town would have done this. We live out in the sticks and might get shot. This kinda seems unreal to me. I can't believe that someone would actually do something this dumb. The old men sitting at the table were not very nice about this towards the reporter.

  54. Professionalism is done by a professional right. A professional has a higher degree of training any schooling right. Oh wait maybe not. I'm thinking a person with a any degree of professionalism, training, or schooling at all would have NOT gone behind the fence OR REALLY REALLY not have knocked when they saw the HUGE doggy door. She was the one who got it all started with the blog and news. I'm sure the news station didn't tell he to report on it or get fired. She was the one that made herself look goofy not any one else. She did this all by herself.

  55. Hey Chris what kind of performance are you talking about? Don't think that was well worded. Does this mean if she quite her "preforming" that the news would cease to exist. I don't thingk so.

  56. Thought we were talking about a dumb reporter not a stripper(performer on stage).

  57. Oh Chris you made it way to easy for people to comment about Brittany. "goes on stage night after night" and "lucky that she even preformed"
    I asked 15 people about what kind of woman preforms on stage at night and it was unanimous. All 15 said stripper.Maybe you should have used different wording.

  58. Yes Chris used poor wording Brittany is a reporter not a stripper. She may not be the brightest reporter but never the less a reporter. Saw the huge doggy door before she knocked!

  59. Brittany should not have put herself in the lime light if she didn't want the attention. Come on really how many people would have done this the same way? Probably not many. Hopefully people have more common sense than to do something so goofy.

  60. OK I understand the dumb and stupid comments towards Brittany. I DON'T understand the jokes in the news room about rabies and then to tell people that on a blog.If you fell so bad about it WHY make jokes? Don't think that is professional. If you have ever had those shots(I have) is NOT a joking matter. Might it be that she wanted to boost here ratings.

  61. BIG BAD CHRIS!!!! I'm sure everybody is shaking in their boots. You are the one that made her sound worse than just stupid and dumb. YOU GO CHRIS make people think she is a stripper.

  62. Just some advice just because you did a story on copperheads don't go out and find one. You would probably get bit. Thoght someone needed to tell you.

  63. Heard about this at my monthly auxiliary meeting. I just couldn't believe it. Hope she doesn't become a liability for the news station. I have been watching since we moved to Baird 30 years ago. I would not have told or wrote about this. I would not have wanted people to know how dumb I was.

  64. Don't go out in the county to do a story on copperheads. I could see you sticking your hand under a rock(with a snake tail hanging out of course) just s to see what peoples views are on snakes. Of course this would get you more attention and more publicity.

  65. USE YOUR COMMON SENSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Big doggy door=BIG doogy


  67. I just want to clarify something. One person wrote that you have the right to shoot someone who comes onto your property. The law clearly states that you cannot use deadly force to defend your property. You can only do so if there is imediate danger to yourself.

  68. Brittney, I just want to say that what you did was not wrong! You were doing you job and if these people can't see that, as they say, let the fleas lie with the dogs! I"m proud of you for going on with your story and being a strong, dedicated reporter as you are!
    You go girl and the rest of you get a life! You'd feel different if it had happened to you or your family member!

  69. Such language!! Maybe if us Texas are such F****** retards then maybe she should go back to Florida were they can't even count.

  70. Even children know better than do to what she did. My son had a saftey course (police officers came to the school) in May and guess what one of the topics were. DON'T OPEN ANY GATES !!!!! because you don't know what is one the other side. They even teach small childern how to stay safe.

  71. This comes from the websters dictionary
    FENCE 1. means of protection (protecting the dogs from biting someone).
    2. a barrier intended to prevent escape or intrusion or mark a boundary.(didn't want the dogs out running loose the responsible thing to do so they would stay out of trouble intrusion means they didn't want people bothering them a mark that means do not cross)

  72. Susan no one in my family would have done such a stupid thing. My family is more respectful of other people property. If there is a fence JUST SAY NO TO STUPIDITY AND STAY OUT.

  73. In this world today there are a lot of crazy things that go on out there. I'm 70 year old widow and there are many thing that make me feel in danger. If I was taking a nap and heard someone knocking on the door 1. I'm startled 2. not thinking clearly because I'm still sleeping. 3. I've been robbed in the day time 4. dogs are going wild YA I would feel threatened Ya I would get the gun that I now keep be the door Ya I might use it. My point is no jury would convict me because what I have been through. This is just not a story this happened in Hico Tx last year. Do you see my point. Oh ya it was the gas man that she shot.You have to be more careful these days.

  74. You need to read the Penal Code if you don't think you can use deadly force to protect your property. Texas Penal Code 9.42 Deadly Force To Protect Property A person is JUSTIFIED in using deadly force against another to protect land,tangible or movable property. I think that is to the point. This is Texas how many people would you think would do this? I wouldn't want to take the chance. LOOK IT UP!!!!!!!! Oh yes I'd do it in a heart beat.

  75. wow i didnt know the world wide web was only in Texas you guys are just sooo smart u MUST be the only people that have the web and can look at this blog, and since im sticking up for Britt I must be from Florida you are a genius... i guess they just picked up seattle in the middle of the night and moved it to east coast when i was sleeping cuz I had no idea i was from Florida thanks for informing me

  76. I didn't say that you were from Florida. I said she needed to go back to Florida. Pay attention!

  77. I fell sorry for Brittany. I'm are sucker for the dumb ones. I can't believe that someone would see that big of a doggy door and still knock. She didn't even know how stupid she was and then told people about it. POOR BRITTANY!

  78. Boy LIZZ you must no pay attention to what you read.There was nothing about you being from Florida.DUH!!! I think I read somewhere that the dumb was from Florida. I might be wrong.

  79. Liz they didn't say you were from Florida. Let me guess you know Brittany and you have breathed the same air.

  80. you know I am a prelaw student in NJ and it is illegal for a dog to bite anyone no matter the circumstances...so in Brittany's defense the dog shouldn't have bitten her at all...another thing i think before accusing someone of being "dumb" you should have evidence proving it...and all this girl has done is prove she'll shine not only in Abilene but anywhere she chooses to go...because if she was "dumb" she wouldnt be the one reporting your news Monday through Friday at Noon... :) so Brittany keep up the good work girl...

  81. Even little kids know not to go into a fenced in yard.Fences usually means they are trying to keep some in or out. My granddaughter ( who is 8) knows if you see a doggy door (even if it is homemade) that means there is usually a dog. So if little kids are smarter than she is????????
    I just hope it wasn't to traumatic for the dog. It's a good thing they took up a collection so the owner wouldn't be out any money. I really hope she comes to my house and opens the gate to my fence. I don't have any vicious dogs but I'm the one to worry about on my property.

  82. You tell them Maybel! I don't think Downing, Angela,Bob or even Stephanie would have done it.
