Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves...everyone has them...and many people like to complain about them.

So in an effort to let people vent about things that bug them...I thought I'd share some of my personal pet peeves.

Now don't get me wrong, there are much worse things in life then the things that I'm about to list but sometimes it just feels good to get it all out.

I started writing this blog on a raining day, and with the bad weather...I was taken away from my blogging what prompted me to even begin writing this blog was my soggy, wet pant legs. No matter how many times I plan ahead, it never fails...the bottom of my pants get soaked from the rain and puddles. I learned my lesson at the beginning of this business to always come prepared...and yes, I do own a pair of rain boots now...but I always second guess the weather and think I won't need to take them with me, since I anticipate coming right back. But it never fails, I'll roll my pant legs up to try to prevent them from getting wet but they never seem to stay up! And then of course, they get soaked. Now wet pant legs are one thing but the wost is that it takes forever for them to dry and then you're stuck the rest of the day with wet pant legs which ultimately keeps you cold...and you just feel soggy.

In addition to wet pant legs, the smell of wet dog! Now, don't get me wrong, I am totally an animal lover and can't wait until I have a dog of my own (once I have more time and space to devote to one). On this same rainy day I referred to above, I did a story out at the Abilene Animal Shelter. Whether the dogs were wet or had all just been given a bath, they didn't give off the best aroma. Now I know they're dogs and they can't help it...but the worst part of it all was when I left, I smelled like a wet dog. I was driving back to the station and it was all I could smell so I knew that that meant it was me! And comical to some, my co-workers in the newsroom continued asking what the heck that smell was and if there was a wet dog in the building. No wet dog in the building just me! I laugh about it now but I can remember that afternoon wanting noting more than to get out of work to change and take a shower. I had enough of wet pants and wet dog.

Now these are really minor pet peeves of mine. Surely, I have more...But, for the most part I try not to let little things bug me. My grandmother always told me, "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" and that everything in life is small...and I totally think this is great advice but again, as I stated in the beginning, sometimes venting is the best thing to do to help you get over things.

Please feel free to share some of your pet peeves with me and how you handle them. Instead of getting mad about something, vent to me by posting to my blog!


  1. I cant stand it when someone leaves my toilet seat up

  2. (continued) ...a kitten that belongs to one of the feral cats in the neighborhood that I feed. Vet said kitten probably wouldn't live. I took it home, bandaged it up, and it is still alive but it still has a herniated abdomen. I've tamed it and maybe can find it a good home. Never disliked dogs until that puppy hurt that poor innocent kitten. That puppy is a vicious dog in the making and I'll be the one who suffers when it breaks thru the fence again and its adult large dog companion comes thru the fence with it. I'd bet money...(continued)

  3. (continued) ...that I end up on the news with my wounds for the world to see. I think all dog owners should be REQUIRED to carry LARGE insurance policies .... you better because if I ever get hurt or anyone who is in my family get hurt when visiting me.... get ready for a lawsuit. Beware residents near Clack Middle School. If these dogs get out, someone will get hurt. NO, I DON'T LIKE NOISY, VICIOUS DOGS.

  4. My pet peeve is when I watch the Sunday news on KRBC and the camera guy has the weather girl out of focus the whole show and no one even seems to notice ! Is there anyone in the station or at home looking at a monitor that can call up the studio and ask if anyone has any pride ?
