Monday, July 20, 2009

Being a Big Sister

Being an only child definitely had and still has it's pros and cons. When I was little and my parents were still together, I had "only child syndrome" where I was spoiled and somewhat bratty...and not wanting to share my toys, along with wanting to be my parents, "one and only".

Luckily, it was just a phase and I realized playing Monopoly and playing Barbies was not as fun solo.

Of course, it wasn't until my parents divorced that I thought it would be cool to have a little brother or a little by then it was basically too late. Growing up, I didn't have close friends that were only children like me, so I lived vicariously through them. Whether it was the older brother who bullied them around or the big sister that dressed them up like a live-Barbie doll. I was jealous as much as my friends complained and said they were jealous of me. It's funny how we always seem to want what we can't have.

Now that Abilene is home and I am settled into my career, I decided to join Big Brothers/Big Sister's in Abilene. In addition, to getting the sister I never's been one of the most rewarding experiences in my life. I'd always considered helping out a girl in a program but was traveling and moving around quite a bit, which I thought wouldn't be fair to a potential little sis.

So, it's been about six months that I've spent time with my little sister. We've done lots of unique things together and it's amazing how much a 10-year-old and I have in common. She is so much fun to be around. It's very rewarding to know that I have such an impact on her and can really serve as her role model. For anyone that has thought about becoming a Big Brother or Big Sister...I highly encourage you to sign up. There's nothing to lose and only something to gain.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud reading this... you were definitely a stereotyupical single child, however, you had the entire My Little Pet Shop set(s) which is why we liked to play with you! Just kidding... but I do remember those times fondly!
