Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Local Gym Discriminating or being Polite?

These signs may or may not be familiar to you. They're posted all over an Abilene gym. To some, it might be a polite reminder and to others an act of discrimination. I have talked about it with several people and I have heard fair arguments for both sides.
I definitely don't consider myself a weakling in the gym, however I can admit that there are some weights that are too heavy for my own comfort. In those cases, I would hope that the person using a fitness machine before me would remove a weight that I may be unable to lift off.
On the other hand, people have suggested not posting a sex on these signs. Instead, could the gym employees plainly said, "Please re-rack weights after use."
To some, this may be a non-issue, however I think it's topics like this that are worth a discussion. How do you feel about the pink signs that decorate one of your local gyms?


  1. Even though I understand the need for these signs, Brittany, you are right. There should not be a sex posted on these signs. I was offended as soon as I read it. There are plenty of men my age who I am stronger than, and plenty that I am not. A simple "Re-rack weights after use" should suffice.

  2. I am a woman and I agree I am not equal to a man in terms of strength. I think the sign should not be gender specific, but at the same time WOmen should stop caring about this little things. I don't know about you, but I am too busy for this. In the gym I am happy as long as I get my work out done. Another thing is since women started to fight for equal rights men have really lost a lot. In some Universities male teams have been terminated because the University needed to put the money on more important things like girls teams and activities. It is like reverse discrimination !00%. Girls are not like Boys... We should be treated badly or as second class citizens but we cannot expect to have equality in every aspect. With that said, I think to avoid any problems the gym should be neutral. Clearly there are too much sensitive around.

  3. I meant, we should not be treated badly or as second class citizens... and that there are too many sensitive people around.
    Every time I drive in Abilene I am scared for my life. Why don't the women start worrying about that? Educate yourselves, your husbands and your children about driving. Tell your husbands and yourself the road is not your farm. Red Necks from Hell!
    What I am trying to say is that there are more important things to care about than this crap.

  4. This is crap. Grow up you ladies who can't get off your butts and put your own weights up! I say that this is sexist, but nothing will get done about it. The only time society believes that someone is offended or mistreated is when it happens to a woman. I hate to sound rude, but women are pampered too much these days.
