Sunday, November 28, 2010

Calling all Reality TV addicts

Okay, so I as much as I hate to admit it I watch hours of reality TV. Do I know that most of it is garbage and watch it anyways? Yes. Why? Who knows.
While, I have enjoyed the Real Housewives of most seasons (excluding D.C.) I never thought I would be one to watch Bridal Plasty. After watching previews for it, I almost convinced myself that I wouldn't watch it, but sure enough I did. The concept of the show in my opinion is absolutely ridiculous and so sad that these bride-to-be's are obsessed with altering their bodies. The fact that a show is making money off of these girls is also pretty sad. It also made me sad to see how beautiful these woman are, and yet it's not enough. As a woman, I know about insecurities but to want to basically change everything about yourself breaks my heart.
But fact of the matter is, the creators and producers of this new show likely have a new hit show before them. I still cannot figure out why so many people could get sucked into the whole thing.
There was one line on tonight's premier that really bothered me. The host says to the first bride that gets eliminated, "Your wedding will still go on but it just may not be perfect."
Are you kidding me? You don't have to be on reality TV, have plastic surgery, and have your wedding paid for, in order for it to be the perfect experience. Although, I am sure most couples would appreciate having the wedding paid for and honeymoon too. That's besides the point in my mind.
I'd love to hear from my fellow reality TV junkies. Anyone else feel as crazy as I do for watching all this? Which one is your guilty pleasure? Did I really just blog about reality TV? Yup, sure did.

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