Friday, December 18, 2009

I'm Randy Turner!

What you might not know is that behind the scenes, I'm actually Randy Turner. And the Randy Turner you know, as KRBC's Chief Meteorologist and Main anchor is actually Brittany Pelletz. haha...just kidding, but I thought I'd let you know on a little "goodluck/just-for-fun-kinda thing we do" before every newscast! While our audio crew is checking our microphone levels and they ask for mine, I say something like, "this is Randy Turner, your chief meteorologist, etc" and Randy says, "I'm Brittany Pelletz and I have blonde hair, or something along those lines". No idea how the heck the tradition started, but it's just that...a tradition that has carried on and no newscast of Randy Turner and I goes without it.

Funny story, every day we record, "topicals," those are the previews you see during Judge Judy about what is coming up on First at Five...and one time, I said, "Join me, Randy Turner and Brittany Pelletz for those stories and more coming up today on First at Five." Luckily, it was recorded...but we all thought it was pretty silly. So, if by chance, you do catch that slip-up on air...there's your explanation.

As you can see, Randy Turner and I have a lot of fun working together.


  1. Yep, these are my anchors.


  2. I tune in for the up to date news. Not some stupid silly side show. They call this news?

  3. If you read the blog post, it clearly states that this is something they do during an audio check BEFORE the news. So, you can still "tune in" and get the news...this is something that takes place behind the scenes. No one said it was the news, it is a blog post talking about an audio check. I guess I just really don't see the purpose of the last comment, Brittany was never saying this was the news...just a little ritual done before the show starts!
