Sunday, December 6, 2009

Forget the Mall, There are Now Even Hagglers when you fly

While haggler might not be the best word to refer to people trying to sell you's the first thing that comes to mind.
We all have likely experienced the Hagglers at the kiosks in the mall that try to lure you in, while you're on a shopping trip. I'll admit that often times they've got pretty cool stuff to sell...however, I don't like to be harressed to buy something. On the days when I am not a shopping mission, I'll come over on my own. But shouting at me is certainly not going to get a sale from me. While I complain about Hagglers, it's not like I expect them to disappear. It's something I know I'll have to deal with when I shop. However, what prompted me to write this blog is that haglers are even at the airport! I'm not sure if they have them on all airlines, but on AirTran they do. There have always been the stations, where if you sign up for a credit earn frequent flyer miles. However, now the sales persons are hagglers! They chased some passengers down even and went above and beyond any shouting at the mall. The worse part about the airport hagglers is that when you walk down the concourse to find a restaurant you pass several haggler stands. After being cooped up in an airplane, it's not exactly what you want to deal with. Now don't get me wrong, I know that it's a job and people get paid to do it...and I respect that...but seeing how pushy they were to travelers and how frustrated people got over the sales pitch...I thought it was blogworthy. The frustrating thing about the airport is that there is really no escape. See, when you go to the's a choice. You know hagglers are going to be there. At the airport...there is no place to run and you can bet when you walk back down the can bet you get a double whammy! You get haggled again. Any thoughts on pushy salespeople? Have you experienced the same thing at the airport?


  1. Last year when I was out shopping a guy placed an item in my hand and told me it was free. I tried to say "no thank you" and give it back, but he wouldn't put his hand out, so I was forced to stand there and talk to him about how I didn't want it. I was very firm, and as I finally walked away he started YELLING at me and I could still hear him as I rounded the corner.

    If I were the store owner near the pushy kiosk people I'd get mad, because you know people are avoiding going that way.

  2. Wow, that guy really had some strategies! But how rude that he YELLED at you! And I am so in agreement about the nearby storeowners!

  3. I guess you could stay at home where you don't come in contact with anyone or anything. First those pesky dogs now pesky people trying to make a living in hard times.

  4. Do you have this thing about dogs? Let me guess you are going to go out to Buffalo Gap to get another interview about mean dogs and get bit by a dog that is bigger than you.

  5. In regards to the last two comments...can you please tell me how anything in this post relates to dogs? And, can you please tell me when the whole dog thing is going to quit being brought up? How long ago was that? Have you ever heard of letting something go? You might try it, especially this time of year! Geez!

  6. You should never do anything you don't want people to talk about. People in our community seem to remember the stupid things people do.

  7. I can get people talking about it for a few weeks, even a month, maybe. It's people still bringing it up SEVERAL months later that I think is a little ridiculous! Obviosly if they had anything more recent to try to pick on Brittany about, they would. Just leave the girl alone already. If you don't like her, don't read her blog and leave nasty comments, that's the way I feel about it! And, certainly don't continue to bring up something that took place many months ago.

  8. Oh please the list could go on forever. I tried watching the news the other night. Couldn't understand what she was talking about the words were all missed up. Some words that come out of her mouth weren't even words or should I say English. I really believe that saying you get what you pay for. She is the one that harped on the dog thing. SHE put it on the blog. SHE did a story on it. SHE is the on that said the dog was bigger than her. SHE is the one that did it. If I had done something that stupid I certainly would NOT have told people about or even mentioned it. I REALLY REALLY wound NOT have blogged about it. Congratulations if she wanted to be in the lime light SHE only SHE did it. Ya that is a super star in the making??????

  9. If you don't like her, then why are you watching her on the news? By the way...I think that should be messed up & not "missed up." The grammatical errors in the last post were pretty bad...misspelled words, missing commas. So, maybe you shouldn't be giving Brittany such a hard time. The real issue here also wasn't as much about the dog story, more about how LONG ago that was & that it is a little ridiculous to still be harping on it this many months later! Brittany may have blogged about it, but you people are the only ones still bringing it up...LET IT GO!

  10. I watch Brittany most evenings on the news and I've never had any problem understanding her words and she speaks perfectly good English to me. Are you sure you understand English? You can still dwell on the whole dog thing if you really want (if it makes you feel so much better), but I really don't think you have a valid argument about Brittany not speaking English! Come on, now!
