Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Sad about Snowcone Season Coming to an End

I'm not afraid to admit it; I'm like a little kid when it comes to snow cones; might even be unhealthily addicted to them. While I have always been a fan of the refreshing treats, living here in West Texas has definitely increased my sweet tooth for them. With the hot temperatures all summer long, it was such a nice way to cool down. Also, the snow cone stands that I've visited here in Abilene all have such friendly people working there. I was also intrigued at just how many different flavors that each stand has. I set out a goal to try all the flavors by the summer's end but quickly realized that was not possible, as each snow cone stand has their own set of original flavors.
I will say that I am up there for the list of people who have had the most snow cone's throughout the summer, though. It seemed like no day was complete without one. And as small as it might appear to be, a snow cone was often the highlight of my summer days. Whether it was from a long day of work, after rollerblading, or basically just a craving, it put a smile on my face. And how could I forget about my snow cone live shot opportunity...And although, ice cream is a nice cold treat too, I'll argue that snow cones are better.
You get to satisfy your sweet craving and you don't get too full. And I'd say they're a little bit healthier, even though there's lots of sugar in them.
So with summer coming to an end, I know that means the same for snow cone season in the Big Country, I guess I'll have to find another guilty pleasure.

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