Sunday, March 22, 2009

Becoming a Texan

It's been just about 7 months since I made my move to the Big Country. I think it was when I cashed in my Florida driver's license for a Texas one, that it finally hit me...I'm a Texan, at least an honorary one. Although, I wasn't born here and haven't been here all that long, I finally feel at home here.

I always deemed myself as a Florida girl (don't get me wrong, I still am a beach lover) but there's something about that Texas pride that just grows on you!

I've started adopting the national verb, "fixin' to." I haven't quite adopted the ya'll but I am sure it will come with time. I recently visited Florida and had people tell me I had already adopted a Texas Twang.

Plus being the City beat reporter for KRBC, I am constantly around members of the community just beaming with Abilene pride. Mayor Archibald; perhaps the proudest Abilenian of all is a great role model in the community, not only for his responsibilities as the mayor but for his incomparable dedication to the City of Abilene. He wouldn't return my phone call to a non-Abilene number. I was quickly informed that he felt if people move to Abilene and make it their home, they should have a local number. Shortly after I got the memo, I did get a local number and now can receive calls from the mayor. : ) Having a 325-area code puts me in the category of an Abilenian.

Now don't get me wrong, I've still got a lot to learn...such as learning to like beef. I am a seafood and chicken-kind-of-gal. I've also never been to a rodeo yet...Among many other things. I'd love to hear from some of my "fellow" Texans about other words unique to the state and even traditions. ; )

And while I can't make any guarantees that I'll be an Abilenian forever...I am happy to call Abilene my home! : )

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