Wednesday, May 11, 2011

He proposed and I said Yes!

The day I have been dreaming about since I was a little girl arrived on May 7th 2011.
We've been dating for one month shy of two years. I've known he was the one for a long time now, but was definitely surprised when he popped the question. While I'm going to keep much of the proposal a secret, I will share where it happened. We were in Fort Worth for the weekend (last weekend) and it happened inside the Fort Worth Gardens. Neither of us had been there before but it was gorgeous and the whole thing was perfect.

I am such a lucky girl. I came to Abilene in September 2008 to gain experience and jump start my career in tv news. Little did I know, that I'd find the love of my life on top of finding a job that I love. Now I know to some, this blog may be sappy but hey you can't blame a newly engaged girl, can you?


  1. Im proud of him, congrat, that is an awsome place to propose to someone. I lived there for two years. I am a single parent of two boys, was married for almost 8 years..My advice to the both of you is communication..Please make sure you communicate with each other, and to the man of your dreams, the secrete i have found out to keeping a women happy is this: Show her love all the time, and the women is always right..Happy wife happy guys, Im happy for you.
    Allan "Howdy" Holder and boys

  2. It really was an awesome place (perfect for a proposal too)! Thanks for the advice. Communication is key! I can live with the woman always being right too. ; ) Thanks for the best wishes.
