Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Fluent in Mumble

This isn't the first time I have noticed or anything, but after getting some cavities filled today I thought I'd bring up one of the many talents dentists have.

First and foremost, only here in Abilene do I actually semi-enjoy going to the dentist. I absolutely love my dentist and dental staff. In the previous states, I have lived in...I avoided the dentist at all costs. Here everyone makes the experience a lot less painful; full of distractions! : )

Anyways, most of us when we get fillings for cavities, we're awake (even if we get laughing gas) which means we have some interaction with the dentist and assistant.

No matter how numb your mouth may be or how many tools and cotton balls are inside it, when the dentist asks a question, you try to answer. Sometimes, the response is not a yes or no and uh-huh's and uh-uh's won't cut it. But no matter, what they could understand everything I was saying. I am talking phrases and full sentences that were coming out of my mouth, that even I barely could understand what I was saying. It's an impressive quality these dentists and assistants have.

The reason for me writing this blog is, we all know that dentist's are smart and have academically had a lot of schooling, but I think understanding "mumble" is another admirable quality.

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