Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Wild Story to Tell

Big Country Cougars...Talk about a wild story to tell. When I first set out to find "Cougars," I didn't really know where the story was headed. But, sure enough I ran into two women, who wanted to talk about their lovelives, and just how much younger the men they were involved with are. Both women say that "age is nothing but a number." I'm sure you've got opinions of your own and I encourage you to leave your thoughts. Do you agree that "age is nothing but a number?"


  1. Honestly I have never felt moved enough to actually take the effort to go to a website that a TV program suggested me to, and leave my "feedback"...however that "cougar" story was by far the worst, most uninformative, most unattractive waste of 3 minutes that I can remember. You didn't stop and think that you essentially glorified the fact that these older women enjoy a sexual relationship with younger men. Perhaps you can do a follow-up story on older men that enjoy sexual relations with college-aged girls, but that would probably be in poor taste, yes? Yes, just as un-tasteful as your original piece. If you wanted to celebrate anything women movement related, you could have alluded a piece to how more and more older women are enjoying a younger dance club or younger bar atmosphere, and depicted the same women dancing in the bar. It would have portrayed women as still grasping their inner-youth self, without directly correlating their sexual preferences. It would have been an equally very uninformative and overall lame-duck piece, but it would have saved these women and other self-proclaimed "cougars" the embarrassment of having their sexual preferences brought to the front of the stage. Overall, the fact that you wasted your time, effort, and film into creating and editing such a terrible, terrible topic, can only be vindicated by hoping that someday, somehow, that awful story comes back to haunt you in your professional career. You successfully embarrassed the ladies featured in the piece, and in turn, successfully embarrassed yourself.

  2. Well I appreciate your comment, Reese. I am a story teller. I was telling the story of these two women. I don't know how it reflects me and I am sorry that you hope it haunts me in my professional career. It was an assignment and it's the nature of the business covering a wide variety of topics. It wasn't supposed to be a lead story, but just a story that came from right here in the Big Country. This story wasn't aimed at embarressing anyone. I asked if they'd be interested in being part of the story and if they wanted to share their experiences. They agreed and that's how it came together.

  3. LEAVE BRITTANY ALONE!! Great cougar piece! You go girl!

  4. I think it was an interesting story. Brittany was just doing her job. If these ladies were embarrassed, they sure didn't act like it. They wanted to tell their story. Brittany embarrassed no one. "Cougarmania" as I call it is here to stay and I think it's interesting that there are all these titles for everyone these days (metrosexual etc.). Age is just a number and you're only as old as you feel. People are working out more, eating right, living longer and feeling and looking younger. If younger men want to date older women and older men want to date younger women, it's their business. Just live your life and let them live theirs and try not to be so judgemental Reece. I think reporting involves all kinds of stories and you'll never be able to please everyone, so I say Good Job Brittany!

  5. I am in agreement with you, Anonymous@8:51AM, in the fact that everyone should live their life as they see fit. I wouldn't have had one problem with the story had been angled to concentrate on how people are, like you said, "working out more, eating right, living longer, and feeling and looking younger". But the fact that the entire basis of the story was a category of women's sexual preference is untasteful and crass. Am I being judgmental against the women that like younger men? No. I am being judgmental against the fact that a class of woman's sexual preference was a part of my news! As you said, that is their business, and nothing that should be broadcast. Would you have been as accepting of the story had Brittany done a piece on older adult men that prefer younger girls? Absolutely not, the gender bias is too great in this type of scenario. So does that make it ok to glorify "cougars"? Of course not, like I said, it's no different than older men desiring younger women, and that is NOT newsworthy. Again, I was not being judgmental against the ladies in the story, far be it from me to tell anyone how they should lead their lives, but the day I should accept the glorification of other's sexual preference in a "news story" is when I feel a news caster should try harder to pick a better topic.

  6. I agree with Reece... I thought it was distastful and trashy... I thought it went too far for a local news channel... I usually love Brittany's stuff but I thought this one just crossed the line...The girl on girl dancing and lingere was TOO much... in fact I sent my 8 year old out of the room until it finished... Now the lady with the biker boyfriend was more acceptable for the story I felt... The topic wasn't offensive just the way in which it was presented... Oh well, You'll get back into more tasteful stories i'm sure brittany! Great attempt anyway! Your still a good storyteller...
    God Bless

  7. The "news" that we watch daily is not just about wars, and politics, car wrecks etc. how boring the "news" would be if that's all it entailed. The "news" involves the world around us and there may be emotional stories to tell, light-hearted stories to tell and yes, you may classify a story as "trashy", but that is your opionion and you're entitled to it. But we do live in a sad world, a happy world, a controversial world and even a "trashy" world. I'm just impressed with the dedicated people who want to report and let us decide what we think. These are just things to think about and we certainly will not agree with everything that is reported. We certainly won't agree with every lifestyle that is portrayed. But at least it has been reported to us and we can make our own determinations. That's the beauty of our country and our freedoms here! Brittany just have fun and enjoy your stories and I know you will go far in this business!

  8. i personally thought the story was okay. its just letting everyone know what else is on besides all this boring, violent stuff that goes across the screen everynight. i dated and married a cougar in abilene. we were married for 15yrs. she passed away this past tuesday from diabetes. when we met , iwas 24yrs old.she was 44yrs old.

  9. okay, sounds like somebody up their id a little cranky. reese you are make a big deal out of nothing. its a story, let it be. brittany, you did great and you keep up the good work.

  10. Come on, the story was just lame. It should have been named Deparados. Older women like the ones interviewed dating younger men is nothing new, they have always been around. These types can't find good-looking, intellegent men their own age to date them, therefore, they date whatever will take them, younger or much older. A "cougar" according to Hollywood standards which the story references, is an attractive and younger looking older woman that can date attractive men their own age but choose to date younger, attractive men. To suggest that the women interviewed are "cougars" is ignorant. There may be some "cougars" in Abilene, but you didn't find any for this story.

  11. The "cougar" topic is really out there right now. ABC even has a show called Cougar Town that started airing this fall. It was an assignment and Brittany did her job. In my opinion, the comment about hoping it "haunts" Brittany's career went TOO far. While it may not have been a story for everyone, I don't see how Brittany embarrassed herself and the women in the story agreed to do it. As I said, the "cougar" topic is big buzz right now (which is more than likely why is was an assignment)...this isn't the first "cougar" story that has been done & I'm sure it won't be the last. The only problem with this story is the community it was aired in, as this is a very strong conservative area...had this story aired in a bigger, more urban city, it wouldn't have been any big deal because this topic is all over the place. Brittany...keep doing your job, you are good at it!

  12. Sex is that really an appropriate topic? Is that all the news you could come up with?

  13. Well at least she is not aggravating dogs in their OWN FENCED in yard.

  14. Really, people, still bringing up the dog thing?! How long ago has that been? At least a few months! How about letting it go or at least stop bringing it up! Geez!
