First, I will say that I was impressed with many of the students and the unique questions that they had. Some showed genuine interest in the news business : ) and then others were just students that wanted their papers signed for a class assignment. It happens. What was fun was that I got to be on the other side of the questioning. Instead of me conducting the interviews...the students interviewed me.
From talking to students it sounds like many of them know exactly what they want to do once they graduate and then it was neat seeing some students at different booths (including KRBC's) decide that the job that was just explained to them might be something that they're didn't know before, but now are interested in.
There were also a couple of good laughs at Career Day...One student asked if my teeth were real and if I wore my jacket to match the color of my eyes. Clearly had nothing to do with my booth and a job in Broadcast news, but I told the students that they could ask away.
It's amazing how fast life passes us by...and being on the outside looking in (for Career Day) helped me realize how you really should not rush life...but merely go with the flow and enjoy the ride. I probably wished my way out of High School a little bit, wanting so badly to go and experience college. However, I wouldn't change the past even if I could. (below-HS graduation)