Thursday, May 14, 2009

A tough Story to Tell

"Death or Adoption," a story of mine aired last night during the 10pm news. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, check it out on Abilene Midday's Facebook page.

A tough story to tell is the best way to describe my experience putting it all together.

Euthanasia is something I knew about but like many didn't like to hear about. However, I realized how important it was to raise awareness, especially in our community of just how many animals are put to sleep on a daily basis.

After speaking with the Abilene Animal Shelter and hearing that dogs generally have less than a week to live, I was shocked.

It got me thinking about just how many people go to pet stores or to breeders when they want a pet. Up until I did this story, I was certain I'd go to a breeder to get the English Bull Dog, I'd always dreamt of having. Now, I plan on adopting from a shelter, when I am ready to have a pet just to make that difference (even if it's only a tiny difference) of saving that one animal's life.

I'd love to hear from anyone that has adopted from the shelter, or even plans to in the future!

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