Thursday, May 21, 2009

I graduated!

I am officially a Citizens Police Academy graduate! After 10 weeks of 3 hour classes, once a week the academy came to an end. While graduation's are usually a time for excitement, I am definitely disappointed that it's all over.
I've always respected police officers, but being part of the Citizens Police Academy (CPA) made me respect them even more. Each class involved a behind-the-scenes look at the duties and lifestyles of an Abilene Police Officer. Cops often have a negative reputation of being the bad guys, arresting people. And while, they do arrest people, it's all in effort to keep our communities safe.
Throughout the class, cops were referred to as, "Peace Officers," and I realized how perfect that suited their job description. They try to keep the peace by having a presence in the community and then make peace when conflicts do arise.
I can honestly say that I enjoyed every class. I can still recall 3 hour night classes in college (and no offense, Professors) but, sometimes it was hard to stay awake for all 3 of those hours. I would've been too afraid to fall asleep within CPA; afraid I'd miss something. : )
I thought I had a tough job (and still do) but man, those police officers really have huge responsibility.
While I mentioned, I liked all of the classes, by far my favorites were the investigation unit, the narcotics, and the k-9 training. I've been told that the SWAT training class was the best and unfortunately, I had to miss that class. It also happened to be our last, which was quite a bummer.
Luckily, my co-worker Tim Johnston (also in CPA) put together a story for the 10 o'clock news that allowed me to feel as if I were there for the SWAT training class.
Another great thing about the class were my classmates. There were about 25 other students, from all different aspects from within the community. We had some Dr.'s, Teachers, Council members, Restaurant Owners, City Employees, and so many others. Everyone was great. We all got along really well too. So not only am I appreciate of the Abilene Police Department for providing me with the opportunity to be a part of CPA, but also for introducing me to such great people within the community. : )

Thursday, May 14, 2009

A tough Story to Tell

"Death or Adoption," a story of mine aired last night during the 10pm news. If you didn't get a chance to watch it, check it out on Abilene Midday's Facebook page.

A tough story to tell is the best way to describe my experience putting it all together.

Euthanasia is something I knew about but like many didn't like to hear about. However, I realized how important it was to raise awareness, especially in our community of just how many animals are put to sleep on a daily basis.

After speaking with the Abilene Animal Shelter and hearing that dogs generally have less than a week to live, I was shocked.

It got me thinking about just how many people go to pet stores or to breeders when they want a pet. Up until I did this story, I was certain I'd go to a breeder to get the English Bull Dog, I'd always dreamt of having. Now, I plan on adopting from a shelter, when I am ready to have a pet just to make that difference (even if it's only a tiny difference) of saving that one animal's life.

I'd love to hear from anyone that has adopted from the shelter, or even plans to in the future!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Facebook Fans

To those of you that already friend requested, "Abilene Midday"...we need you to add us one more time! Search for "Abilene Midday" but instead of becoming a "friend" you need to become a "fan".

Our original facebook account got deactivated and because we are a business, we need to have fans and not friends. Although you are our friends, we need you to also be our fan so that you can write to us and we can read your comments on air.

Abilene Midday is a unique newscast and I am so glad that the opportunity fell on my lap. We are the only interactive show in the Big Country. Our "facebook feedback" within the show allows you to leave us comments that we will read on air. It's a fun way to be part of the newscast.

We'd especially love for you to comment on each story that we air. You can even do so while watching the show. Also, by writing to us on facebook you can suggest things you'd like to see on KRBC or ask some questions that you might have for the news team.

Abilene Midday is on weekdays at 11:30. You can catch it on TV, but if you're not able to get to the TV you can always watch us LIVE online. Just look for: WATCH Abilene Midday LIVE. But, don't be fooled you can't just go online at any time to watch Abilene's only LIVE. So make sure to tune in at 11:30. We'd love to have you as part of our show! : )

For those of you that are already watching and even facebooking with us, please leave some comments letting us know what you think.