Thursday, April 23, 2009

Girl Power!

I've always loved breaking the stereotypes that, "only a guy can do this," "only a guy can do that," and "guys can do it better".
Even from an early age, I loved competing with guys in sports and academics. In Elementary School, I can remember being the fastest runner and at beginner times tables (I say that loosely because now I am not a big fan of math).
My grandmother also played a large role in motivating me to seek equality in all that I do and to defend women's rights. She really put things in perspective for me growing up, that women weren't always allowed to do the things that they now are today.
Despite, the many accomplishments women have made over the years, women still continue to fall victim to sexism.
A recent story of mine highlighted three women from right here in the Big Country that are also, all about breaking stereotypes.
Rayetta Dorman works as head maintenance at the Abilene Zoo, Diana Hartmann helps construct and sell parts to race cars through her company Art Carr Performance Products, and Pamela Goodrich, works for O'Reilly's Auto Parts.
It was empowering meeting with all three of these women, hearing the obstacles they've had to overcome and their motivations to keep going.
If you didn't get the chance to see the story air, be sure to check it out online.
I'd love to know what you think about it, so I welcome your comments! : )


  1. I haven't even seen it yet and like it. I saw the comercal where the lady said she can't pee standing up!!! that was so funnie!

  2. Hey Vicki,glad you're excited about it.Let me know what you think after you see the story! Enjoy!

  3. I think you should do this again. I work with a girl at PWP. She is the only women operater. And she puts the guys to shame with out even trying.
