Monday, February 9, 2009

Why don't Texans Rollerblade?

I'm well aware that rollerblading was popular in most places during the 90's. I remember rollerblading with my parents when I was still in Elementary school. Back then my rollerblades were bright blue with hot pink laces. In Florida, we'd rollerblade to get ice cream. A few years later, my cotton-candy-looking rollerblades no longer fit and then rollerblades kind of went out of style.

I didn't think much of them until a guy in high school asked me to go again, saying that I could use his sister's pair. It ended up being so much fun rollerblading around our tiny town in Massachusetts. Then, I realized just how good of a workout rollerblading was and decided I needed a pair of my own. As I was heading to college in Miami, I knew investing in a pair of rollerblades wouldn't be a bad decision. So I bought a pair and rollerbladed all through my tiny High School town, Harvard Massachusetts. I got a little ahead of myself, skating uphill not realizing that I had to go back down. Clearly, going downhill creates even more speed, and yeah pretty much had an ugly wipe out shortly thereafter. I gave rollerblading a rest for awhile...until I left for college in Florida.

Luckily, with Florida being so flat there were really no hills to worry about. So, I picked up rollerblading once again and even encouraged friends to get a pair to come along. It was definitely fun rollerblading by the beach and being able to get a workout in before going for a swim in the ocean.

Now in Texas, you'll still find me rollerblading. While, I often rollerblade in my apartment complex, I have neighbors looking at me like I have eight heads. Once I meet them, they usually say to me, "you're that girl that rollerblades, aren't you?"

Which is why I have to ask why Texans don't rollerblade? It's a great way to make exercising fun and be able to enjoy the nice weather by being outside. I encourage those that gave up their rollerblading days in the 90's to pick it back up and give it a whirl again. A great place to go rollerblading in town is the track around ACU. ; )

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