Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Working Holidays...isn't so bad!

Working on Holiday's isn't so bad. But, that doesn't mean that in the next year, when I am not a "rookie" that I want to work holidays. ; ) I worked Christmas day, which really wasn't so bad. Usually I spend the Christmas holiday with family in Massachusetts. However, I knew with the job that I'd likely have to work, as the NEWS doesn't stop for Holidays.

It didn't feel like Christmas when I woke up to silence that morning. I did miss watching my little cousins tear open their presents, spending time with family, and eating delicious food but the story I covered on Christmas day really made me realize just how lucky I am.

I went to the Salvation Army, where they were having a Christmas feast for members of the community who also didn't have family around or any other place to go. I was really impressed with how many volunteers came out from the community to share their Christmas by helping others. After talking to the diners, they were also very happy with not only the food, but with the entertainment. The volunteers started singing Christmas carols and many people in the room joined in.

Overall, working Christmas wasn't so bad. The day started out slow as most everything was closed, which in turn made the news slow. To be truthful, I was happy that it was slower, because generally you hear about tragic stories on holidays.

Before I knew it, the day was over. My Dad and his wife were both in town for the weekend, which made it even better. Although, I wasn't with the family I am used to spending the holiday with, I wasn't alone. I had a very nice time with my Dad and Step-Mom.

My Mom even has plans to come out in the next few months to have a belated Christmas experience.


  1. Been there done that! It could be worse...glad you got something out of it.

  2. Thanks for working on Christmas. Unfortunately, somebody's got to do it! :)

  3. I saw you on TV at the wreck that was insane

  4. Brittany,

    Sorry you had to work over the holidays. But just rememeber your dream. I am sure you are headed for the big leagues, so keep the good work. Your blog says you will be giving us the rest of the story. So what is not being reported on the news? Can you tell? or are your bosses censoring you?

  5. Britt- You work so hard and one day it's going to pay off so well! One day we'll be able to take the holidays off and spend it with our families.. one day :)
